
Showing posts from May, 2023

Summary of New Testament From a Jewish Point of View Class - May 22, 2023

 t was fun for Jo Ann to physically be in Long Beach during this week’s study.  After the study we all met at The Library Coffee House near Temple Israel. Below are some photos of our get together. Also, below, is a summary written by Dan, of what we discussed and learned. In our reading of Colossians chapter 2 we came across two important differences from the teachings of some other parts of the New Testament. First, there is increased emphasis on the divinity of Jesus (“for in Christ all the fullness of deity dwells in bodily form”) versus the humanity of Jesus in the gospels Matthew, Mark and Luke. Second, Paul’s prohibition against Gentiles being circumcised and taking on Jewish customs in Galatians becomes apparently in Colossians a prohibition against anyone observing Jewish customs, including Jews.  These tendencies grew and helped to define Christianity eventually as another religion entirely separate from Judaism. As always, if I missed anything that should be in...

Summary of New Testament From a Jewish Point of View Class - May 15, 2023

Monday, May 15, 2023 was a great study time together as usual.  Jo Ann, Dan, Steve, Karen, Robin, Jay E., Neil, Dave, and Merrill attended.  We had a fun discussion! We studied Colossians Chapter One and also read the grey box called Colossians and Torah Observance associated with Chapter 2. Below is a summary written by Dan of what we covered: Colossians chapter 1 Boy, we have come a long way in reading these various letters to various groups of early Christians. Some of the gospels (Marks, Matthew, Luke) spoke of this guy hanging around with fishermen, telling them where to put their nets so they would take in a lot of fish. Now in Colossians 1, Jesus is the “firstborn of all creation” whose followers are entering his dear kingdom. Not bad for an associate of fishermen. Talking of fish stories, as we read the New Testament, we see this process of Jesus becoming in the heart of his followers more and more a divine being. What did this mean to his Jewish followers? Gentile Ch...

Summary of New Testament From Jewish Point of View Class - May 8, 2023

We had another fun class on Monday, May 2, 2023.   Jo Ann, Dan, Steve, Karen, Randy, Robin, Jay, Dave, and Merrill attended. Below is a summary written by Dan is what went on: Beginning with our introduction to the book of Colossians - a deutro Pauline letter (in other words, it was written by a person unknown after the life of the Apostle Paul, but who pretended to be the original Paul). Although we didn’t get to the text, we did have another wide ranging discussion. A lot of discussion centered on what the Christian idea of God is. How is God have a Son, and what does that mean? Randy contrasted Christian authoritarian doctrine with how we raise Jewish kids to question everything.  So many other things: Modalism, the Inquisition, Dan Brown, etc., etc., etc.! See you next week! As always, if I missed anything that should be included in this summary, please add by clicking the comment button below. Zoom Link - Temple Israel Long Beach’s New Testament From a Jewish Point of Vie...

Summary of New Testament From a Jewish Point of View Class - April 17, April 24, and May 1, 2023

I haven’t been the best at putting these summaries together weekly, so below are summaries, written by Dan, covering the past three weeks: April 17, 2023 (Unfortunately Dan didn’t put together a summary for that week.)  April 24, 2023 We studied the second chapter of 2Peter last Monday. Much of the chapter was devoted to warnings against false prophets. As is usual we had a wide ranging discussion,  noting the many references to Tanach in describing these people. Unfortunately, we don’t know who these people were, what they taught or anything. It can be noted that opposing schools of Christian thought at that time routinely accused each other of immorality.  Chapter 2 verse 19 “they promise them freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption for people are slaves to whatever masters them.” Rabbi Jay of Temple Shalom in Colorado Springs was referring to the Exodus of the children of Israel, leaving Egypt, showing that they were still in a slave mentality, behaving i...