Summary of New Testament From a Jewish Point of View Class - April 17, April 24, and May 1, 2023

I haven’t been the best at putting these summaries together weekly, so below are summaries, written by Dan, covering the past three weeks:

April 17, 2023

(Unfortunately Dan didn’t put together a summary for that week.) 

April 24, 2023

We studied the second chapter of 2Peter last Monday. Much of the chapter was devoted to warnings against false prophets. As is usual we had a wide ranging discussion,  noting the many references to Tanach in describing these people. Unfortunately, we don’t know who these people were, what they taught or anything. It can be noted that opposing schools of Christian thought at that time routinely accused each other of immorality. 

Chapter 2 verse 19 “they promise them freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption for people are slaves to whatever masters them.” Rabbi Jay of Temple Shalom in Colorado Springs was referring to the Exodus of the children of Israel, leaving Egypt, showing that they were still in a slave mentality, behaving in a similar way. He brought up a heartbreaking story of a victim of human trafficking who had a chance of freedom but elected to return to her way of life because it was all she knew. Like the best of the New Testament, this passage repeats this same concept. This is one of the ways that the teachings of Torah are transmitted to the Christian world though the teachings, the “lens” of the New Testament.

Looking on to chapter 3, the last chapter of this brief book, we look at how early Christians dealt with disappointment with promises that were (and remain) unfulfilled.

May 5, 2023

We are finished with IIPeter, now that we discussed the third and final chapter. I don’t remember how we got on the subject of what a golem is. Steve, thank you for mentioning the book “Snow in August”, which I, for one, plan to check out. Rabbi Loeb of Prague in the sixteenth century created one to protect his people from a pogrom. That still may come in handy.
Jo Ann mentioned a Christian movie called “A Thief in the Night” which had to do with the terror inspired by “the rapture” and the dread of being “left behind.” In the 1970s. 

Both Jews and Gentiles have had to deal with “cognitive dissonance” - dealing with events we are not expecting or desiring. In IIPeter 3 we came across the famous saying “with God a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day”. In other words, the hope of an immanent return of Jesus with power and glory as promised in some of the Gospels had faded. It conjures the picture of Gentiles joining the Jewish people waiting for the Messiah. And waiting…


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