Summary of New Testament From a Jewish Point of View Class - February 6, 2023

We had a nice group on Monday, February 2, 2023.  Jo Ann, Dan, Steve, Karen, Dave, Merrill, Neil, and Norky attended.  

Below is a summary of what went on written by Dan:

We read the introduction to the Book of Hebrews today, getting the low down that this book is “the foundation of this idea that Christianity has “replaced” Judaism.” Yikes. There is a discussion about who wrote this book (Unknown), when it was written (later 1st century, either before or after destruction of the 2nd temple), where (possibly Alexandria or Rome) and to whom it was written (General audiences). 

We discussed the idea of the Torah and the covenant between God and Israel becoming obsolete because Jesus’ sacrificial death ended the need for further sacrifices. This was unsurprisingly greeted with disapproval, and we noted that the V’shamru said that shabbat would be a covenant between God and the Jewish people forever. If that became obsolete then forever doesn’t mean forever.”

Additions from Jo Ann:

Several people were included in our Misheberach healing prayer:  Jay, Dan’s mom, Karen’s father, Norky, David, Odette’s father, and a few others.

As always, if I missed anything that should be included in this summary, please add by clicking the comment button below.


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