Summary of New Testament From a Jewish Point of View Class - March 27, 2023

Jo Ann was off in Europe the day our class met, so Dan was the host of our meeting.

Below is a summary, written by Dan, of what went on:

“We had Karen, Steve, Dave, Merrill and Randy and Robin join in today. Robin is recovering from her hip replacement, and Steve’s wife is recovering from a complete knee replacement. We sang our “Old time religion” and Mi Shebeirach as usual. I believe we settled on reading IPeter next week. 

We read through chapter 13, and Robin pointed out the many exhortations in the chapter, like the one to visit people who are imprisoned are identical to some Jewish writings. Steve pointed out that Hebrews 27:13 referred to the story of the three visitors to Abraham in Genesis. We were a puzzled about Hebrews 13:10s’ assertion about Christians having an altar that the priests in the temple had no right to eat from. The commentary said this could be the heavenly altar. Dan thought it may refer to communion. 

The book as a whole made the argument that for Jewish institutions there were institutions that Jesus created that were better. 
For example, for the city of Jerusalem (Jewish) Christians had Heaven. Etc.

Thanks to everyone who attended. I was happy that I could open up the meeting and not bring down the entire electrical grid.

As always, if I missed anything that should be included in this summary, please add by clicking the comment button below.


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