Summary of New Testament From a Jewish Point of View Class - February 27, 2023

It was good to study together again since we did not meet the week before due to the President’s Day holiday.  Jo Ann, Dan, Karen, Dave, Randy, Robin, Odette, Norky, Jay, Merrill, Larisa, and Neil attended. It was Larisa’s first time with us, so she just listened in.

Below is a summary written by Dan of what went on:

Chapter 4 - The author of Hebrews talks about a Sabbath rest for the people of God. But who are the people of God? The author of Hebrews says it’s the church, not the Jewish people. So what is the sabbath rest? The sabbath rest is not the seventh day of our week but heaven. 

Chapter 5 - The earthly priesthood of the sons of Aaron in Hebrews is replaced by the heavenly priesthood of Jesus, who is said to be a priest “in the order of Melchizedek”, drawing from an obscure reference to Genesis 14.  Hebrew’s author makes Jesus, who is not from a priestly line, into an eternal heavenly priest. The priesthood of Aaron is replaced by the priesthood of Jesus. 

Chapter 6 - A warning is given in this chapter about those who haven “fallen away”, saying that people who do that a incapable of coming back into God’s good graces. This is controversial among Christians today, and it is seldom spoken about in Christian circles. The chapter ends with the assurance that the author does not believe this “falling away” is what his audience is doing. He repeats is assurance they have Jesus as their High Priest.

Addition from Jo Ann:  Was our former President Trump called a Baby Christian because of the referal in Hebrews chapter 5 about those who can only drink milk and not solid food?


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