Summary of New Testament From a Jewish Point of View Class - May 22, 2023

 t was fun for Jo Ann to physically be in Long Beach during this week’s study.  After the study we all met at The Library Coffee House near Temple Israel.

Below are some photos of our get together.

Also, below, is a summary written by Dan, of what we discussed and learned.

In our reading of Colossians chapter 2 we came across two important differences from the teachings of some other parts of the New Testament. First, there is increased emphasis on the divinity of Jesus (“for in Christ all the fullness of deity dwells in bodily form”) versus the humanity of Jesus in the gospels Matthew, Mark and Luke. Second, Paul’s prohibition against Gentiles being circumcised and taking on Jewish customs in Galatians becomes apparently in Colossians a prohibition against anyone observing Jewish customs, including Jews. 

These tendencies grew and helped to define Christianity eventually as another religion entirely separate from Judaism.


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