Summary of New Testament From Jewish Point of View Class - 7/25/2022

We seem to have more and more fun each week!  Monday, July 25, 2022, was no exception!  Jo Ann, Dan, Steve, Karen, Dave, David, Odette, Robin, Merrill, and Jessica attended.

After Dan led us in singing our usual opening ritual of “Give Me That Old Time Religion,” we read the entire essay on Messianic Judaism that is in the Jewish Annotated New Testament.  We read the first four pages and then took a break to discuss and then read the last four pages of the article and continued our discussion. 

We learned that Messianic Jewish groups do vary and that Jews for Jesus is the most well-known group in Messianic Judaism.

Some of our class didn’t understand the difference between Jews for Jesus and other messianic groups.

We learned that Messianic Jews are Christians that mix Jewish rituals with their belief that Jesus is the one God for all.

We also learned that are Catholic Hebrew Christians.

Karen shared a lot about herself.  She prefers to call herself a “Believer.”

David gave us a lot of history of the early Hebrew Christians.

Merrill had many questions.

We learned that there is a messianic Bible that changes the name of the Book of Hebrews in the New Testament to the Letter to Messianic Jews.

Jo Ann and Dan shared a lot about what the Jews for Jesus ministry used to do.  We learned about the following abbreviations:  UJ = Unsaved Jew, JB = Jewish Believer, GB = Gentile Believer, UG = Unsaved Gentile.  Jo Ann shared that she is heard that Jews for Jesus no longer passes out pamphlets but has coffee houses instead.  Some in the group remember receiving literature from Jews for Jesus.

Jo Ann also shared about her recent experience in attending at Messianic Celebration of Life and the time she and her dad attended a Messianic Bar Mitzvah.  Odette remembered her visit to a messianic congregation.  Karen shared that she is equally comfortable in a church as she is in a messianic congregation.  We learned also that some Messianic congregations have congregants who are not Jewish by birth.

For reference, I’ve pasted screen shots from the entire article below.

We ended our time together with our usual tradition of singing the Misheberach Jewish healing prayer together.

Please add anything that I’ve forgotten to share to this summary.

  • Summary of New Testament From a Jewish Point of View Class - 7/17/2022
  • Summary of New Testament From Jewish Point of View Class - 7/11/2022
  • Summary of New Testament From Jewish Point of View Class - 6/27/2022
  • Summary of New Testament From Jewish Point of View Class - 6/20/2022
  • Archives of what we discussed in our classes from October 10, 2021 — June 13, 2022

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