Summary of New Testament From a Jewish Point of View Class - 10/17/2022

Again, we all had so much fun learning together on Monday, October 17, 2022.  Jo Ann, Dan, Dave, Karen, Amy, David, Randy (Robin was present for a bit), Norky, and Jessica attended.  We missed Steve who had another commitment and we also missed Merrill who was ill.

Below is a summary written by Dan about what went on:

We covered the 5th chapter of the epistle of I John as well as the introduction to the epistle of 2 John. We noticed that some themes from earlier chapters were repeated in I John chapter 5. Dan brought up the contrast between the teaching in this chapter of I John that prayers are answered if they are according to "God's will" versus the teaching quoting Jesus in the gospels of Mark and Matthew in which anything is possible to the person who believes without doubt. Others added that the teaching of I John could be the result of logic and experience.

The introduction to the 2nd epistle of John brought up that the epistles of John could have been written by different writer(s) than the Gospel according to John, but from within the same community of believers in Jesus, possibly in Ephesus.

Addition from Jo Ann:

We also read all of 2nd John and completed 2nd John.  It seemed to be shorter than the introduction we covered.  Most of us were offended by the statements that if one doesn’t believe in Jesus that he or she does not have life.

We will go on to 3rd John next week and then study Jude and then go on to Revelation.

We now open the Zoom room early and after the meeting keep the room open for any of us who want to visit and just talk after our class.  We have found the time just visiting with one another very nice! 

Please comment if anything needs to be added to this summary.


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