Summary of New Testament From Jewish Point of View Class - 12/5/2022

We had a great discussion as usual!  Jo Ann, Dan, Ruth, Steve, Karen, Dave, Robin, Randy, Norky, Amy, Merrill, Jay E., David, and Jon attended.  It was Jon’s first time joining us and we were so glad he came.

Below is a summary, written by Dan, about what we discussed and learned:

We studied Revelation chapters 3 and 4. The letters to churches of Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea brought up some questions. Sardis is mentioned as a dead church. Jo Ann discussed what a “dead” church might be and asked if there might be such a thing as a “dead” temple? The phrase from the Jewish Annotated New Testament “he who conquers” was discussed by Robin because it seemed to suggest some kind of aggression. In contrast, an earlier translation “he who overcomes” was mentioned as the source of the title to the song “we shall overcome”. 

We didn’t discuss the church of Philadelphia very much, but Laodicea brought a discussion of what “real riches” were. Steve shared a memorable quote attributed to Ben Franklin: “God made beer because he loves us and wants us to be happy”(!)

On to chapter 4 we went, and compared it to Isaiah chapter 6, which had a lot of similarities. It was an enjoyable study.

If anything is missing from this summary, please add your input by hitting the comment box.


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